Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor (CPCS)
When I began my supervision to obtain my counseling license I was very fortunate to have 2 supervisors that were dedicated to the profession of counseling in helping those in need from their similar and yet different approaches .
What I was able to learn from them was the importance of ethics, self- awareness, theoretical orientations, cultural diversity and to never stop learning. The guidance, supervision and education from these 2 extraordinary professionals in the field of counseling will always be something that I am grateful for in my success as a counselor, and what I wish to pay forward.
In seeking your counseling supervision I want you to gain an understanding of your purpose, challenges you will and maybe currently facing, and how to meet the needs of your clients. This process will increase your ability to know how to support and facilitate your client's growth without doing harm and assist you in developing your ability to reach your goals in your professional growth.
Feel free to contact me at: (912) 268-4747 to arrange a meeting to discuss your supervision needs.